Cheap lots 1/1 up to 30% off

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Ibaka collector
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Thought i would chuck a few lots together to try and move this pc.

all prices include postage in Australia

payment will need to be paypal gift unless buyer wishes to pay the fees

one touch holders will not be sold with the cards

any questions shoot me a pm

30% off for purchases of more than one lot

$12 each or $40 for the lot

/49 /99 /99 /149. $15

/49 /75 /99. $10

/75 /199. $10


/25. $12


/10 /25 /99. $10

/24 /91. $6


/10. $10

/10. $10

/25. $5


/25 /100 $6

/25 $7

/5 /25 /49 /299. $11

/10. $10

/10 $10

/10. $10

/5 /5 /5. $15

$12 each or $40 lot

/49 $80

/25 $50


gold crowns including gold disc /8 $80



/99 /99 /10 $40


/25 $20

/25 $22

/299 /25 $40

/5 /49 /799 $40

/1 $50

/99 /100 /25 $75
Last edited:
how much for this?

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