After the disaster that was Breaking Bad, I have very little time for Cryptozoic at the moment. It seems to me that they have one blockbuster licence which they give 90% of their time and effort, then they crank out a bunch of half baked sets just to tide them over until the next series of TWD comes out.
They need to reduce the number of sets they work on, focus on fixing their quality control issues (particularly the packing and collation issues) and instead of advertising products 12 months before they are due to be released, spend a month or two before release hyping them up with a known checklist. Supernatural's checklist wasn't available until after the product went live, and there were parallel cards in there that people knew nothing about. The Katie Cassidy issue is something that never should have become public knowledge, but presumably their deadlines are so tight that they didn't have time to check or weren't prepared to delay the release.
Also, it would be nice to see some innovation in their sets. The one auto / one wardrobe box format is old and tired, particularly when the big stars are not signing. Breaking Bad was a perfect example of a set which needed more hits per box, or something out of the ordinary. Rittenhouse have multiple autos per box and that should be the case for the weaker Cryptozoic releases as well.