Warning, Unsafe Trader

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Dane Clarke

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Be careful of Austin Olivares that is his real name but unfortunately he uses multiple identities to scam people.
the above link is his ebay account, he is true scum to the trading community and NRL. He's a cowboys fan but he went to the last few Rabbits training sessions and got dozens of cards signed which he has made over $500 profit from.
Please be aware and spread the news of this low life.

He doesn't send signature cards is his foremost scam.

However, he scammed my little brother by telling him he would get a master and apprentice/ pride and passion set of rabbiohs cards signed for world cup hero cards. So my brother sent him the prides and masters along with the world cups and austin got them signed and sold them for $180 and then kept the world cup heroes.
dosent seem like a nice thing to do ....some peop;le will always take advantage of others when they can... if it sounds to good to be true it is usally b,,,,,,,t. some lessons in life are learnt the hard way and in th e trading card community too. Thats why ozcarder is great 99.99% of the people do the right thing and try and weed out the as.............ls
Some might call that karma...but in saying that... I note he is reporting now being a reformed individual.
Yeah he has changed. I've dealt with him several times since and he has always provided good service. Hes now the admin of a trading group of just under 1K members and owns his own shop called the card hut.
How did he scam people?
Hey man its austin i never scammed anyone hes making up shit because he wants an extra sig i sent him my greg bird league sensation and i have proof i sent it and he never sent my terry campese 108 he trying to say ive got it and kept the extras to get signed no that all wrong i have not recieved nkthing he scammed me its been three weeks and i even contacted the police dane clarke has not sent my sig how do you think i feel :( and especially making this post about me :(
Hey man its austin i never scammed anyone hes making up s*** because he wants an extra sig i sent him my greg bird league sensation and i have proof i sent it and he never sent my terry campese 108 he trying to say ive got it and kept the extras to get signed no that all wrong i have not recieved nkthing he scammed me its been three weeks and i even contacted the police dane clarke has not sent my sig how do you think i feel :( and especially making this post about me :(
you're such a manipulative liar Austin. You scammed people on the facebook group, do not try the same on here. You received my signature card and you know it. No one has ever had negative feedback with me except you. Stop trying to fool yourself and admit you stole my brothers cards to get them signed for money whilst earning some free world cup heroes along the way. Also, nice death threats your brother sent me over facebook, I'm sure the police will be interested to see those since you 'contacted them.'
Hey man its austin i never scammed anyone hes making up s*** because he wants an extra sig i sent him my greg bird league sensation and i have proof i sent it and he never sent my terry campese 108 he trying to say ive got it and kept the extras to get signed no that all wrong i have not recieved nkthing he scammed me its been three weeks and i even contacted the police dane clarke has not sent my sig how do you think i feel :( and especially making this post about me :(
you're such a manipulative liar Austin. You scammed people on the facebook group, do not try the same on here. You received my signature card and you know it. No one has ever had negative feedback with me except you. Stop trying to fool yourself and admit you stole my brothers cards to get them signed for money whilst earning some free world cup heroes along the way. Also, nice death threats your brother sent me over facebook, I'm sure the police will be interested to see those since you 'contacted them.'
Your think
Be careful of Austin Olivares that is his real name but unfortunately he uses multiple identities to scam people.
the above link is his ebay account, he is true scum to the trading community and NRL. He's a cowboys fan but he went to the last few Rabbits training sessions and got dozens of cards signed which he has made over $500 profit from.
Please be aware and spread the news of this low life.

you're such a manipulative liar Austin. You scammed people on the facebook group, do not try the same on here. You received my signature card and you know it. No one has ever had negative feedback with me except you. Stop trying to fool yourself and admit you stole my brothers cards to get them signed for money whilst earning some free world cup heroes along the way. Also, nice death threats your brother sent me over facebook, I'm sure the police will be interested to see those since you 'contacted them.'
I just screen shot this im going too the police your in big trouble mate
Was the arrangement made through this site or through Ebay?
a great seller on ebay i send all my cards once money goes threw ivr never scammed anyone and will not hes just jealous and he just wants to keep my sig dane needs to grow up and admit he didnt send it
Lost me at Chris Stacpoole

Incidentally the reformed Chris Stacpoole's newest Ebay account was Darthraven which got a couple of negs and now I can't find it. Anyone know more than me on this as I really like to know who he is trading under so I can avoid him?

And my general feeling; any trade via Facebook is a massive risk
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