Ebay Seller : rachy30486

That account hasn't sold anything in the last 12 months.

Most of its feedback is buying items worth 1 or 2 dollars.

I have enquired about bank details I will message who ever has the original and see if they match.

We need to take down these sorta people.
The number looks really fake.
Zoomed in on the number, looks almost certain it's a fake, different colour around the number
I messaged this guy he then said I'm selling for a freind I then got a message from someone with zero feedback saying I'll send bank details after you tell me your postal.
He then sent me his bank details without my response
His name he said is Jordan Watson

Does this link up with the name given the first time
This piece of shit has popped up on facebook.

Claims to live in Perth when his profile says he lives in Vic.

Takes photos from eBay, says quick sale, no pics, bank deposit only, no pick up.

Whats the bet this prick is rachy???

Probably hooked his fish... @negrofc this guy wont stop until we take action... I know you are just putting it down as a loss, but surely you dont want other innocent people getting scammed by him... :(
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