Only one card but it's a doosie. Feelgood story to go with it


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The last few weeks I've seen both the good and frankly, quite sad aspect of the hobby. I'm gonna focus on the good though because it's well worth sharing with you all.

A while back out of the blue two 90's Garnett jersey #'d cards were on ebayat the same time.
I'd just spent $60 at the beckett marketplace and so watched them pass me buy unfortunately.

Luckily one of the winners of the two cards got back in touch with me regarding the card he won. I"d just had the $60 refunded from beckett because the card I'd bought had already been sold so I had $60 in the back pocket. This card though was still well outside of my price range.

I was very much in luck though, as vto47 a great bloke from the Philippines, dropped the price for me so it didn't sound so horrific to my financial advisor (read wife!!). After a bit of gentle persuasion and mention of my birthday coming up (only a matter of 8 weeks away!!! Pfft) we struck a deal!!

More importantly a friendship has been struck with vto47 a fantastic collector with a truly awesome 90's collection. Through him I'm now a member of a Philipino card group and will hopefully soon be helping out another KG collector there with his 800 strong Garnett collection.

That's what the hobby is all about in my eyes.

Anyway big props to Vito who basically decided this card belonged more with me than with the set he is putting together. It'll always be a card I cherish because of the story behind it.



These cards are amazing. In my eyes they're either a garish 90's card that blind your eyes, or their an amazing refractor with an awesome design....

This card is #201 and just my 13th jersey numbered card from the 90's.

Thanks again Vito, you'll always be a champ in eyes.

By the way fellas, if you want to see all my cards on one page, go to this link. They're all age ordered too. Cheers
Great story mate, love hearing good stories in the hobby especially these days where there's so much negativity.

Beautiful looking card too =D>
Thanks fellas. Completely agree Nick, had one awesome time getting this card and one really weird experience with another collector. Still lots of great people in the hobby though, accentuate the positive though right?
There are some great members around - set collectors know there are 99 more of them out there to fill the set. Always good to hear a nice story.
It is Filipino (a person from the Philippines, don't ask me why it's like that). Is that the Facebook page? Those guys do have great 90's cards!

That card is indeed a treasure. 90's card really out weighs current cards now. Simple but elegant!
love the card but love the story mate , this is what keeps me here. good members and the 90s inserts !!
It is Filipino (a person from the Philippines, don't ask me why it's like that). Is that the Facebook page? Those guys do have great 90's cards!

That card is indeed a treasure. 90's card really out weighs current cards now. Simple but elegant!

Could well be right there.
love the card but love the story mate , this is what keeps me here. good members and the 90s inserts !!

Thanks, you're dead right.
Awesome insert, hard enough to find let alone the sweet numbering!

It first appeared on ebay about a month ago now. Some guy pulled it back in the day and it'd been sitting in his cupboard ever since!
Probably looked up ebay and thought BOOM!

Wonder how many awesome cards are sitting gathering dust....
Nice nice nice!

What a great gesture to get it, and let you know about, practically getting it FOR you in your absence!

Great card, low /100 numbering, but far better being jersey numbered!
Nice nice nice!

What a great gesture to get it, and let you know about, practically getting it FOR you in your absence!

Great card, low /100 numbering, but far better being jersey numbered!
You're not far wrong. I didn't win it on ebay because I couldn't, Vito had no idea on that but it wasn't long before he got in touch with me...class act.
Top stuff. Always helps to have it known out there that you hunt a player or jersey numbered cards or whatever so things like this have a chance of happening. Nice one
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