I Want To Buy Dragonball Z Dizk/Tazo's Off You

I have 38/40 Fluro DBZ dizks - only ones that are missing are #12 (android 18 ) and #24 (Kami )

These are all in very good condition and up for sale as a Bundle

I noticed Prices for individual dizks start at $5 and go upwards of $15 so if anyone is Interested offer accordingly

best way to contact is via email and that is finster_5891@hotmail.com
This may be a pointless post, but I have a gold disc put away, not sure of the number but its a misprint and from memory is still in the wrapper. Its been over five years since I have looked at it, but would have to dig it out in daylight. Pm me if anyones interested
Hi all,

I have a set of DBZ tazos series 1 and some assorted Series 2.

Series 1 - 39/40 (only missing #6 King Kai):

2 Fluros:

#17 - Oolong
#40 - Shenron

3 Golds:

#2 - Gohan
#15 - Hercule
#39 - Garlic Jr Transformed

PM Me with offer for fluros/golds or the series if you are interested.
This may be a pointless post, but I have a gold disc put away, not sure of the number but its a misprint and from memory is still in the wrapper. Its been over five years since I have looked at it, but would have to dig it out in daylight. Pm me if anyones interested

Hi mate do you still have this gold tazo? Cheers
Hello, i know im late to this thread, but are there any sellers on here that sell golds and fluros? Just want to know what prices range from for full sets etc.
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