Im Not Juan Garcia
Welcome to OZcardtraders official "DEDICATED COLLECTORS" thread
Before you decide on entering your collection here just remember, All collections listed are in no way less impressive than some of the names at the top of the list. We all started in the same position with Zero cards
This list is for "ANY" collections ! Sport, movies, tazo's, gaming cards or whatever tickles your fancy
I have split the list into 4 categories
- Player collections
- Rare sets/card collectors
- Team collectors and Set collectors (ie 1 brand)
& * RARE SETS/CARDS collections can be derived from your current collection by breaking it down into selective lots like - Just patches - Jsy numbered - autographs etc
Thanks to Terry who originally started this thread here -
To ensure entry on the dedicated collectors list please follow these simple instructions below not doing this may delay your collection being updated
* If updating, make sure you let me know what your previous total was !
* Update
Michael Jordan - 909 - collectorGALLORE
was Michael Jordan - 892 - collectorGALLORE
*make sure each card is different and that you still own them (be honest)
A MAXIMUM OF 2 ENTRIES PER SECTION also just keep it to teams or players rather than whole sports collections....... this may be reduced as more people are entered on the list
ADD A LINK TO YOUR PC BUCKET and Your name will then be a link to show off your collection
1st place and some others deserve,
Don't forget to also check out the wantlist forum and The who do you collect thread
Before you decide on entering your collection here just remember, All collections listed are in no way less impressive than some of the names at the top of the list. We all started in the same position with Zero cards
This list is for "ANY" collections ! Sport, movies, tazo's, gaming cards or whatever tickles your fancy
I have split the list into 4 categories
- Player collections
- Rare sets/card collectors
- Team collectors and Set collectors (ie 1 brand)
& * RARE SETS/CARDS collections can be derived from your current collection by breaking it down into selective lots like - Just patches - Jsy numbered - autographs etc
Thanks to Terry who originally started this thread here -
To ensure entry on the dedicated collectors list please follow these simple instructions below not doing this may delay your collection being updated
* If updating, make sure you let me know what your previous total was !
* Update
Michael Jordan - 909 - collectorGALLORE
was Michael Jordan - 892 - collectorGALLORE
*make sure each card is different and that you still own them (be honest)
A MAXIMUM OF 2 ENTRIES PER SECTION also just keep it to teams or players rather than whole sports collections....... this may be reduced as more people are entered on the list
ADD A LINK TO YOUR PC BUCKET and Your name will then be a link to show off your collection
1st place and some others deserve,
Don't forget to also check out the wantlist forum and The who do you collect thread
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