Hey Guys after deciding to chase the 2011-12 Gold Standard sets, one card i missed on on 3 times which just has been raising in price has been this card -
I first missed out on it the cheapest ive seen it go for the the other 2 follow -
1st Miss - $125
2nd Miss - $160
3rd Miss - $199
I ended up finding on finally which cost me a bit over the 3rd miss but not having seen it for a year on ebay i couldnt miss out on it!
Ladies and gents -
One of only 10 possible sets
Thanks Guys feedback is always appreciated
I first missed out on it the cheapest ive seen it go for the the other 2 follow -
1st Miss - $125
2nd Miss - $160
3rd Miss - $199
I ended up finding on finally which cost me a bit over the 3rd miss but not having seen it for a year on ebay i couldnt miss out on it!
Ladies and gents -
One of only 10 possible sets
Thanks Guys feedback is always appreciated