I got bored and rebranded the Perth Wildcats.


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Basically I hate their current brand, and they change it every few years entirely. I wanted to come up with a brand that won't date so quickly. It has more of an NBA feel, one that I think the NBL could learn a lot from. NBL brands, in my opinion, are incredibly tacky. Sponsor logos slapped all over everything, too many colours and effects etc.

This won't be everyone's cup of tea, I just thought i'd share it for fun :)






Not bad. Not a fan of that jersey though.

Its about time for a new logo. They have had the current one for about 13 years.
Looks pretty slick. You should have a go at sending it to the club and seeing what they think as it might inspire them.
Looks pretty slick. You should have a go at sending it to the club and seeing what they think as it might inspire them.
I actually do contract design work for the agency who has the Wildcats account... but they haven't shown any interest in a rebrand. I just thought i'd do it for fun. I put it to a vote on my FB page which team needs to be rebranded and Wildcats got the most response. I might have a crack at the Wizards next - some of the worst logos in sports history.
Love it... And I hate the nbl! Looks like a professional organisation I'd actually like to go see and spend money with... Unlike any of the the gimmick nbl branding out there currently
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