Well to be honest i have completely ignored the 13-14 releases all together!
Pretty much everything has been sticker auto.
Products like certified took such a step back, ugly sticker autos and the pmg type coloring looks a lot less shiny.
I wish panini would also focus some more on getting redemptions fulfilled in a timely matter. Im still waiting on more than half of my xrc limited autos from october 2012!!
This has completely put me of from collecting sets. I was chasing 11-12 glass cleaners but have long ago abandoned and Ibaka and Gasol are still pending after 18 months!!
Panini also made me stop collecting Jefferson because he hardly has anything in good releases and when he does its always a redemption that takes over 12 months to get.
I only pick up nice singles now of sets i like (gold standard, immaculate, flawless, nt rtc.)
As far as i care panini can release as many products as they want, i wont buy that horribly overpriced low-end sticker auto stuff!