What defines a Supercollector?


Faried PC Battle Champion
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Something I've always wondered is what defines a supercollector. Is it a self imposed title? Do groups set up guidelines? When does someone go from "a collector of" to being a "supercollector"?
I'll throw a few out there

You own a large % of the total cards released for that player or set

The majority of your eBay/forum searches/purchases are for that player/set-you are obsessed!

You spend more than you can really afford on the player/set in hopes of becoming the foremost known collector on the planet, sometimes having to eat baked beans for a week in the process

You become widely known and people think of you when they pull a card of that player, therefore helping you acquire many rare cards you may not get the opportunity to otherwise.
I'll throw a few out there

You own a large % of the total cards released for that player or set

The majority of your eBay/forum searches/purchases are for that player/set-you are obsessed!

You spend more than you can really afford on the player/set in hopes of becoming the foremost known collector on the planet, sometimes having to eat baked beans for a week in the process

You become widely known and people think of you when they pull a card of that player, therefore helping you acquire many rare cards you may not get the opportunity to otherwise.

Good points, good points. Scanning the internet I've found some very amusing responses which ill post shortly.

Reason I ask, is because another forum claims to have a (self proclaimed) Faried Supercollector, who upon inspection has 20 or so cards and often sells those PC Cards at a premium rate.
Good points, good points. Scanning the internet I've found some very amusing responses which ill post shortly.

Reason I ask, is because another forum claims to have a (self proclaimed) Faried Supercollector, who upon inspection has 20 or so cards and often sells those PC Cards at a premium rate.

You can be self proclaimed, but that guy is disqualified! 20? Nope! :lol:
I know this one is just poking fun but good to read cuz it irritated a number of people!

Player Collection Applications

To apply for and reach Player Collection Super Collector status, applicants must meet all 5 requirements or 1 of the exceptions in order to be accepted. These numbers are set high for a reason.

1st Requirement- Percentage Owned
Based on the amount of cards produced of a given player, you must provide the amount produced along with how many you have. For example using the chart below. If I collect Steve Young, and he has 1799 cards. I need to have 50% of those cards. So I must have at least 899. You do not need to count 1/1s towards the total. They are viewed as more of a bonus.

Quantity produced / % you must have (changed %'s)

Your player must have 200 cards produced of him to be eligible, as players with low production runs may be too easy to obtain, for previously entered members, they are Grand-fathered in.

200-250- 90%
251-500 - 75%
501-750 - 60%
751-1000 - 50%
1001-1500 - 45%
1501+ - 40%

2nd Requirement- Auto/GU Owned
Must have at least 15% of auto/gu the player has produced.

3rd Requirement- Rookies Owned
Must have at least 60 rookie cards can be rookie of any level base, insert, gu, auto. In cases of a rookie having limited amounts of cards produced, we will accept exceptions on this, on a case by case basis. However if your player has a significant amount of rookies more then 60, do not expect to be given an exception.

4th Requirement- Not too much Base Owned
Base cards cannot be more then 60% of entire collection.

5th Requirement- Proof
We will need to see pictures, so please link your photobucket or website. If you are a Super Collector, we assume you would want to show your collection off! Let's see it! You should have the better portion of your Autos and Jerseys pictured at the very least. General pictures of binders or cases with base are acceptable.

6th Requirement- Post Count
You must have 300 posts on SCF or more to apply, those already in are exempt, but too many people are coming and posting with a handful of threads and never return.

These 5 requirements may not be entirely possible in every case, depending on your collector style. We realize everyone collects a little differently. Here are 2 exceptions to consider. If you are applying via one of the Exceptions, please explain which one and give us enough info.

#1- Too Many Cards Produced Exception. If the player you collect has entirely too many cards produced of him, we will consider an exception. If you own 2,000+ cards of a specific player, no more then 80% cannot be base/insert, you can apply through this exception. Therefore you need at least 400 Auto, GU/Memorabilia, Rookie, 1/1. Provide info.

#2- Too Few Cards Produced Exception. If the player you collect has been in the league for at least 5 years but had received little hobby attention and has less than the 200 cards, but more than 50, you may apply but your percentages will have to follow these guidelines: 95% for players with 51-100 cards, 90% for players with 101-199 cards.

#3- High-End Collector Exception. If you do not collect all cards of a certain player and maybe just collect Autos or Patches of a certain player, we will allow those with a Book Value of $15,000+ (with at least 100 Cards of that Specific Player Minimum). 1/1's and no book value cards can act as $bv50, but no more. Provide info. While we do not see this as a true Super Collector by our definition, we realize everyone collects differet things for different reasons.


With all of these ways of becoming a Super Collector, we do have some restrictions before you can be accepted.

#1- You, the member, must be in good standing with SCF. Must Send First members will have a hard time achieving this status unless you are new to the site. Stay in good standing on SCF to enjoy all the perks we have to offer.

#2- If applying for a player collection, your player must have completed his rookie season, and 2nd season of cards must be started to be produced.

Final Comments

We realize these requirements are a lot, and hard to reach. We also realize everyone has different budgets to put into their card collections, as well as depending where you are in your life the amount of time you can put into a collection. We also feel that getting a list and knowing the information we are asking should be something a Super Collector should be seeking to know about their collection anyway. If you do not meet these numbers, it does not mean you aren't a great collector of that player/team/set. However, we have set these numbers to be a challenge to reach, and so that not anyone can get the title of Super Collector.

The Sports Manager of the site and the Football team will decide on all applications.

General posts will not be accepted, give us the information we ask for, or you will not accepted

You may re-apply if you are denied. However, if you are denied, you are not able to re-apply until a month after you were denied. Build your collection bigger and better and come back! This is not a title we are going to be giving out, if you are denied, you are denied. Sending PM's declaring why you think you are a super collector, or simply because you have the best collector of that player you are aware of do not mean anything. Enjoy and Have Fun with this!

Lastly, if you give incorrect numbers to the point of blatantly lying or copy images from others, you will be suspended and/or banned.
I don't know about SCF's rules, but I definitely know that over at the beckett boards I'm considered something of a super collector for Patrick Ewing and Kevin Garnett. I've had traders go out of their way to get cards of those players simply to trade with me.
I guess i'm a Supercollector then? LMAO.
With the exception of this quote here "in hopes of becoming the foremost known collector on the planet" everything else rings true especially this "You spend more than you can really afford on the player/set, sometimes having to eat baked beans for a week in the process" and this "you are obsessed!" :rofl:

I'll throw a few out there

You own a large % of the total cards released for that player or set

The majority of your eBay/forum searches/purchases are for that player/set-you are obsessed!

You spend more than you can really afford on the player/set in hopes of becoming the foremost known collector on the planet, sometimes having to eat baked beans for a week in the process

You become widely known and people think of you when they pull a card of that player, therefore helping you acquire many rare cards you may not get the opportunity to otherwise.
I guess i'm a Supercollector then? LMAO.
With the exception of this quote here "in hopes of becoming the foremost known collector on the planet" everything else rings true especially this "You spend more than you can really afford on the player/set, sometimes having to eat baked beans for a week in the process" and this "you are obsessed!" :rofl:

:lol: the baked bean quote was specifically aimed at you Nick haha glad you picked it up you Augustin/Payton Supercollector you! :lol: I remember some of your maildays! Epic!
I didn't get to that stage with KG but almost! Almost! :sick:
:lol: the baked bean quote was specifically aimed at you Nick haha glad you picked it up you Augustin/Payton Supercollector you! :lol: I remember some of your maildays! Epic!
I didn't get to that stage with KG but almost! Almost! :sick:
I knew exactly who it was directed at =D>:lol:
What do you mean "some of your maildays"? They are all EPIC!

OK maybe not, but for me they are lol
I think you have to adopt the renowned Yankee arrogance to be a supercollector!
I probably had/have the biggest Blair collection around, but I never wore a cape while picking them up, so I was just a collector.

I don't understand the need to have a title that separates you from the other collectors of that player. It is just like how the NBA calls the Champions the "World Champions". NO!! You only won in America! The Perth Wildcats would destroy you! So you can't claim to be world champs! Just settle for the fact you won the NBA title!
I think you have to adopt the renowned Yankee arrogance to be a supercollector!
I probably had/have the biggest Blair collection around, but I never wore a cape while picking them up, so I was just a collector.

I don't understand the need to have a title that separates you from the other collectors of that player. It is just like how the NBA calls the Champions the "World Champions". NO!! You only won in America! The Perth Wildcats would destroy you! So you can't claim to be world champs! Just settle for the fact you won the NBA title!

I think if you have to have every card pretty much of a player no matter what, then you are a "super collector"

I have over 250 unique cards of my player, Beckett says he has 510 rookie year cards (2011)... Besides a Prizm Gold /10 (2013) I have zero cards outside of the rookie year. It's just a guideline I placed on my collection as the number of rookie year stuff is crazy enough (sure if something comes along at a price I cant resist Ill pick it up).

I think of myself more as a serious player collector, as much as I enjoy PCing my guy I cringe when I see what the "supercollector" pays for some of the 1/1's... The only 1/1's I have have are under priced BIN's that I see first... Every time they hit auction, I'm usually not even the runner up... I also dont care for printing plates unless they are cheap and I could care less about base or high #'d RC's or low end jersey cards...

I could jump on COMC and boost my PC numbers by 50 getting base RC's and low end jerseys if I wanted to, but the 25c shipping per card isn't worth it for me, even if the cards themselves are anywhere from a few cents to a dollar. I have a few low end jerseys from when I first started, but if I had my time again, I wouldnt have bothered ($5 dlvd a piece x 15 = $75 for 1-2 really nice cards, or even a 1/1 in some cases) .... Even though they are PC, the low end is pretty meaningless

I also don't overpay just because I "have to have it".... I have let many low numbered cards pass because I wouldnt overpay on my set price at the time (set and forget the sniper and this part is easy).... 95% of the time, the cards have come up again... sometimes a week later, sometimes a year, but the money I have saved myself by not having a "whatever the cost" attitude that supercollectors have makes missing out on those 5% of cards that I have never seen again worth it... Obviously this does not include 1/1's, but to me, they are a nice cherry on top and Im grateful when I get one in my price range (very rare tho, but does happen)

I love my PC and whether I'm a supercollector in someone elses eyes is irrelevant... I don't consider myself one (not even close) for these reasons.... What does being a supercollector mean anyway? Do what makes you happy in the hobby.... If having to have every card genuinely makes you happy, great! If someone only does it to have the "biggest" or "best" in a "look at me" or "show off" sense, then I think that is the wrong reason. I'm not talking about sharing the mailday love and updating fellow members on your progress, that's awesome! The COMC thread where we all posted our arrivals is one of my fave threads ever, I'm talking about where an enthusiast posts their collection and then a "supercollector" comes a long to bring them down with a "that aint shit" angle... "look at mine"... To me that's not what its about
I think a few on here would attest to me being a DeMarcus Cousins Super Collector through his rookie season. At one point owning 3 RPA's, 4 Totally Gold RPA's.

Then I got poor.
I arrogantly dubbed myself a super collector, but mainly because I have so many 1/1's of Aminu and so many of the key numbered cards that I thought I had to be the only Aminu collector out there, thus making my collection the best :)
I am an Isaiah Rider Super Collector over at SCF.... before they changed their guidelines up there. But I have over 400 of some 500 made so pretty sure I have the percentages down.

What I find frustrating is how base cards are frowned upon (each to their own naturally) but when you collect a player it is still a card of him, plus some base designs are pretty cool and its a good way to keep the PC ticking over when its harder to get other numbered/auto/gu'd cards etcetera.

I have a goal of being the Anthony Morrow super collector, and I would say I am close to being it if not already, I just need to get a bunch of my 1/1s and plates in hand as they are sitting in a friends drawer in a box atm. I just need people to realise that the only person who is driving the morrow market is me and they should just come to me LOL
I'm almost a Paul George supercollector (i.e. I'm even willing to add some ugly Panini parallels in my PC), and member of the Yelp Elite Crew, what a great life I have :woot:

With all the crap released by Panini, I'm not sure it's still possible nowadays to be a supercollector of a current star (after the 2010 draft) :cry:
For me it is not about the title but more the recognition of all the work that has gone into a PC..... that "damn that is a sweet collection" and "I know exactly who would want this card".

I have seen those SCF guidelines and was going to have a crack at it but every time I would make some ground on the % a whole other lots of releases would come out. I think it is pretty hard to be able to hit % criteria with the current saturated market.

There are a number of members here who I would class as Super Collectors and always enjoys watching their PCs grow! I think Matt definitely has the right way of looking at it. And those baked beans are eaten cold and in the dark because you cant afford the utility bills due to that must have PC card!!!
I'd like to consider myself to be one (check the sig for stats), but I don't exactly have much competition :p

I've only come across 1 other collector in the world (probably more out there though) that has more (different) autos of one player at 271.
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