The use of the word........

Laughing Out people get annoyed by the most random things :lol:

but yes, correct use of the english language is something that annoys me as well.

Edited To Meet Marcus' Standards
Where did this come from...can you please give us reference points at the end of your essays from now on Chad?
Its more from US based boards like HK's and some threads just go on and on with the use of it. I take it they think its use is right?
HEY Allstars! No one aksed you!

I am a registered "Wordsmith"....I do not require an invitation. If my assistance in matters of grammar and language need further articulation, I would kindly ask that all correspondence henceforth and forthwith be directed to the private messaging facility contained within the parameters of the website.:p
Man, I missed out on this???

This was so worth coming back to read...


As I'm sure I've heard you say before Chad, if it offends you, don't read it, just ignore it.

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