Meet Nibble... (BIG PICS)


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Not exactly a mailday.....

Barely 6 weeks old, stands 16cm less his tail....

This is Nibble. Our Albino Pet Rat.




We don't have much in the line of "fun stuff" for him yet, but we're working on building him some stuff.

They don't make stuff to suit Rats, only Mice. And since Nibble will grow to possibly twice his size, perhaps 3 times. We've gotta call in the custom job!!!
Great mailday it a replacement from UD? :)

It's a pretty funky pet! Are they the remnants of Celtics cards on the bottom of the cage?

Thought you may have called it Devin?

that's pretty cool! I used to have 2 mice but both had growths and died.. the rats are HUGE compared to the mice thoughh.. so that's a scary thought!
Not my first choice of pet but good luck.:D
Rember mice/rats eat cardboard so keep the cards nice and safe ;)

LOL, mixed comments as expected.

To be honest, there's actually a Devin RC in with him. Thought it might get him interested in the sport for when I'm watching a game on telly, he know's who to barrack for.

I've just gotta hope that if Chad and TW ever rock up, Roge, and Kobe aint with em....

But we were thinking of getting a Kitten too. Just when the rat is bigger perhaps.
Will you be using Nibble for any science experiments? :lol: (just kidding for any of our RSPCA members :lol: )

Looks kinda cool, although rodents normally scare the bejesus outta me! Is he quick like Speedy Gonzalez? or a more laid back rat?
Check out those ears! lol I wanna see a Mavs jersey for nibbles too!
I've never been one for rats and mice and stuff since a guinea pig bit a piece of my pinky finger off a few years back. I wanted to squish him. But good luck with the little monster Scotty. Is he your first?
Thats the freakiest ugliest thing I've seen but should fit in well down your parts. My only question is did Danni just catch it at work??? LOL

Thats one mouthful for my giant cats :-D

Just remember, if you were a rat and went to high school with Nibbles you would torment him and make his life hell I rekon ;-)
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