Woolworths Aussie Animals


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I don't have any trades yey but here is what I need:


I have heaps of 2013 AFL Champions and Prime I could trade (please) but will buy if needed but I don't have a lot of money to spend on these. If you could reply with what you have I will send you a message when I get on next :)
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I was just at my local Woolies and they had a swap session, I managed to pick up almost all the cards I need by swapping AFl Champions I had spare :) I only need 3 for the set, can anyone help with these last 3?
I can do 56 and 106.

To swap, I need any of these:


3 6 9 16 17 20 21 22 25 28 29 31 34 37 40 42 45 57 58 66 69 73 75 80 82 91 93 94 97 98 99 100 101 108

I'm actually down to this now:


1 2x2 11 14x2 16 17 21 25 26x2 27 28 29 30x2 33x2 34 43 46 51 52x2 54 56 61 64 68 70x3 74 76x2 78x2 79 80x2 83 84x2 88 95 97 100 101x2 103 106

So LMK when you're ready.
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I don't have any trades yey but here is what I need:


I have heaps of 2013 AFL Champions and Prime I could trade (please) but will buy if needed but I don't have a lot of money to spend on these. If you could reply with what you have I will send you a message when I get on next :)

I can help you out with 24, 56, 87 and 96. MSG me with your address and I will post them out to you.

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