Hi all,
Would like to thanks all who helped make this mailday including: grs_srg, aussie26 and skip20. Big thanks to tcorbal & postgsl. Very special thanks to xavierty, AussieLaker & jkidd05 (awesome members).
Sooooo close to completing this chase. Check my wantlist if you wanna assist
The serious (impossible) chase so far:
Some random PC (and completion of an LJ chase):
Lastly, sent this in to check em out. Must say, luuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvv CGA! If you haven't tried em yet - send some in. Think I may do my whole PC.
Wasn't expecting much with the trial cards but pretty stoked - 99 on the shaq
Thanks for checking em out
Would like to thanks all who helped make this mailday including: grs_srg, aussie26 and skip20. Big thanks to tcorbal & postgsl. Very special thanks to xavierty, AussieLaker & jkidd05 (awesome members).
Sooooo close to completing this chase. Check my wantlist if you wanna assist
The serious (impossible) chase so far:
Some random PC (and completion of an LJ chase):
Lastly, sent this in to check em out. Must say, luuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvv CGA! If you haven't tried em yet - send some in. Think I may do my whole PC.
Wasn't expecting much with the trial cards but pretty stoked - 99 on the shaq
Thanks for checking em out