Largely pre-2000 stuff and more than 10...
Noyz Boyz
This looks like my table and my cards lol.
Largely pre-2000 stuff and more than 10...
Noyz Boyz
This looks like my table and my cards lol.
So.....Ha! I have a set as well but i just got this picture off google images, as i did with all of the other pictures. I think i have most of those actual cards (but not complete sets, yet)
Ha! I have a set as well but i just got this picture off google images, as i did with all of the other pictures. I think i have most of those actual cards (but not complete sets, yet)
You have the set of Noyz Boyz???
Lets see them all!
Post some pics.
lol i am surprised it showed up on google images NICE.
Yup that comes up first when searching for large images. Just realised the link is to ozcardtrader as well!
haha funny, when I searched that term it didn't even show up on my google.
Pot luck haha. Well glad at least some people can see it.
Ok quality is not the best, need to take them during the day - but here are the Noyz Boyz and some others which were grouped together and near the top of my box (i have a horrible storage system at the moment)
Ultra Stars
Big men on court
Hot Shots (incomplete, need the admiral - amongst other sets i am chasing)
I'm impressed!
I didn't believe you had
I might have to do some set chasing myself as I have all the MJ's already...
Have you started on the Platinum Portrait set yet?
I'm going after that set first I think...
In no particular order (just grabbed the pics from Google):
93/94 Finest Refractors
I really like those metal fusion cards. Are they numbered at all? I've seen some numbered, not really sure what the deal is with those.
Also Payton looks really strange in Lakers uniform...
I'm gonna nominate this one! Select In Flight Prizm refractors #/25