but i dont think that will ever be for sale
That's right i'm afraid.
I tried looking for one in OZ previously, but it was clear no one had one on these baords. And EE's were thin on the ground anyway outside of Esrk and scottsophie.
Then when I was the second highest bidder on a Kobe at like $700, I think, I got filded Kobes. But I told all the people whom wanted to sell me one (at $700) to not waste my time, and go and sell the darn things to Coinsman.
I do pay preimum on cards, but in this case, I was never after the set. Which, is why I let all the Kobes go and declined all the offers I received.
I only went out for 50% of the set, as I just did not think it was possible to even get this close, especially being down here and the time that has passed with this product. Next thing you know, I learn more and more about what's been happening with this, I meet so many other collectors whom have been going for this set, wwwwaaaayyyyy longer than I have and the common thread was...... no one had a single Kobe.
Next thing you know, you put 1 and 1 together, coinsman has the darn lot and has obviously gone out from day 1 to get all the Kobes. Which is why, no one has a single darn card of it, little lone 2 to complete the full set with parrallels. Which is why he has been going what seems like very high prices for them.
With the 2nd last sale, many collectors have already started breaking up their sets. I have never heard or ever seen such a reaction to any set in the hobby, that because of 1 collector whom people say can not be beat, have given up on their cards and are mass selling them off.