Noob Question about storing bball cards Help please !


Steven Adams Collector #12
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Hi All,

I Introduced myself in the new members intro room 2 days ago,
I am new to collecting and want to purchase my first box in the coming week,
My first questions is how do i store them ? I'm having trouble making sure i buy the correct sizings.

I am thinking of purchasing the following from dacardworld
"COMBO DEAL - Panini Basketball Hobby Boxes (11/12 Limited, 12/13 Brilliance)" $124.95, but i am still undecided.

My question is i am going to buy a folder for the cards is this the correct product to buy?
"Ultra pro 3" black card collectors album".

It states in the small print "Goes best with Ultra Pro 9 Pocket Pages." so would this work with "Ultra Pro Platinum 9-pocket pages (100count)

Sorry for all the noob questions its just that all the new words/acronyms and meanings are confusing me + i do not want to buy and receive things that do not fit to standard bball card sizes ( no where on the page does it show sizes other than 100count or 25pax etc)
ultra-pro will be fine for all your base, but youll want to grab a few top loaders or one touch magnetics (eg one touch magnetic) for any auto/GU (jersey cards) youll get. if you get a jersey card it wont fit properly in the pages. not sure on the sizes of the GU cards in those releases, so not sure what size magnetics youll need? someone around here will know tho...
alot of people use penny sleeves aswell for the cards they put in ultra pro pages...
ultra-pro will be fine for all your base, but youll want to grab a few top loaders or one touch magnetics (eg one touch magnetic) for any auto/GU (jersey cards) youll get. if you get a jersey card it wont fit properly in the pages. not sure on the sizes of the GU cards in those releases, so not sure what size magnetics youll need? someone around here will know tho...
alot of people use penny sleeves aswell for the cards they put in ultra pro pages...

Thanks for your help mate, Have seen the one touch's before (was trying to get the exact sizings of what i would want).
Btw the link you gave me does that "100pt" mean something to do with the size ?, What is a Penny sleeve? is that like a top loader (from what i seen top loader= sleeve ?) and the hard cases are top loaders also but i could be wrong, Penny sleeve = soft top loader?
yeah 100pt is the size. good way to figure out what size you need:

penny sleeve = soft top loader. you put the card in a penny sleeve, then put it in a top loader. or penny sleeve to 9 pocket page. no penny sleeve for magnetic holders but...

Thank you for clearing that all up for me, will check the site out right now. I figured i would get a box for the bases, penny sleeve the ones i feel i like, get a few magnetic top loaders for future pulls.
I'd rather overbuy than not. Still trying to find a good starting point for cards (series wise)
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