Al Box Breaks Group

Finally got my invoice from Al today after doing the money order option as others suggested. I'm all paid and ready to roll. Looks like there is 1 slot left to go according to Al's site.
Just received an email from Al to say we are only missing 1 person (One Hit wonder) if greencardy is still happy to take the spot lets do it
This is a bit like herding cats, but looks like we're just about over the line :thumbsup:

Good luck everyone, here's hoping Al can break some time later this week...mind you've I've just about forgotten what we chose for product now !!:lol:
Looks like we are on for Tomorrow night!!!:)

Thanks for doing another break with me. Things have been quite hectic for me over the last few months, but all good. Lots of upward movement at work has made me spend a lot of time traveling. I can't complain....just not enough time for breaks anymore. But, I did still want to put this one together for you all, and any others you may need in the future. I attached the spreadsheet I will use in the video for randomization. Please check it over for any mistakes. Make sure I have the right members with the right teams. There are 4 for each of the 4 boxes. Will do all randomizations first in one video, then the breaks. I will do the breaks tomorrow night EST. This will give you time to check the spreadsheet over and let me know any changes that are needed. Thanks everyone...good luck!

Also, I am breaking all the team breaks on the site this weekend, filled or not. If you would like any teams, just go in and go through the purchasing of them and I will send an invoice. That way I get them into the system correctly instead of manually.

PS....thank you Neil and Trevor for getting this together. Please email to gregwa since I don't have his email address. Thank you!

got the same email. cant wait for it, but now i gotta do timezone maths!!! i was hoping it would be done tomorrow as im off work for the day, but i fear ill prob be at work for it again...
GREAT stuff by all involved in this, lets hope we all get a couple of nice cards out of this, I know if I get 1 nice pc card it is going to be better than last time lol, good luck to all and may the 1/1's be with you ;)
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