Going on holidays!


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Well myself and Jannelle are heading out to Appollo Bay for the long weekend for a little getaway. Nice big double story house we have leased out for 3 nights cant wait leave early in the mornin', weather is gonna be shit but cant wait to getaway for a little while!!! :)

anyone else going anywhere?
Yeah the avg New South Wales IQ has a hard time with them :rolleyes:

Trams can't swerve, hook turns means just wait out of the way of the trams ;)

hook turns are basically turn after the red light and block everyone who wants to turn left. As for trams ....... lets stand in the middle of the road to wait for one and hope knowbody hits us - great logic ...... thats genious :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
lol...Dont mock melbourne's traffic setup when you live in Sydney!!
I lived there for a year and would never go back, One Way Streets, Left Turn Only, Melbourne has a much better setup :p

But have a nice holiday Kyle! :)
Have a good time Magic, the Bay is a good place, hopefully its not very windy and you guys can have a few beers at the top pub and have a great time
well guys im back!

weather wasnt the best but we got a good days swimming in on the first day there. Grabbed the boogie boards out was awesome!!!

now im back in broady... :(
I'm off to Bells Rapids in the Swan Valley over here in the Weston Boxing day. Having lunch with the kids and other family while we have a dip and blow the beverages off a couple. Should be great.
ahhhh almost 5 year old thread...?

Can't win with some people!!!

They complain when you keep making new threads, they complain when you dig through the deepest, darkest chasm of archived threads and slowly and steadily lift out one that vaguely resembles the topic you wanted to discuss..... purely to stop complaints about new threads!!!! :lol:

Enjoy your break mate!!
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