Top loader binders

Quick ebay seach tells me they're about $30USD, and about $66USD postage (using the ebay calculator).

EDIT. Just went to nwcardsupplies www and noticed they've closed their business for supplies, but are only doing those binders. I remember the days when we went in a case share for the 9-pocket page boxes!! (nwcardsupplies) has them for $46USD for 30 pages or $52USD for 40 pages. Not sure what postage is.
I've got a couple, wouldn't fit a 180 in there, it fits smaller GU top loaders tho, I had 80pt in some for a while, the pages arnt real strong the thicker the cards u go...
I had my whole set of spgu combo patches in them and didn't have any issues. They can be a bit flimsy and thin but did the job fine for me!! I gave at least 2 folders and heaps of pages I'd be looking at moving if anyone's interested!
anyone doing a share now? or selling from Australia

Did you get any reply to this Troy? I'm keen on one if there is a share going?? I think we need four people from reading the various threads on here in order to get the most value out of the shipping.

Anyone keen? I would be happy to do the order
Did you get any reply to this Troy? I'm keen on one if there is a share going?? I think we need four people from reading the various threads on here in order to get the most value out of the shipping.

Anyone keen? I would be happy to do the order

hey mate no reply as of yet, if you want to start one then there is me and you so we just need two more people :)
we should post something in the nrl section t gauge interest,

I received this email from Colin at NW card supplies:

Hi Troy

thanks for your message,

we can ship to Australia, the maximum box size allowed through the postal service will allow 4 binders with pages,

here are is pricing for 30 page and 40 page options

binder with 30 pages including s&h to Australia

1= $90

2= $138

3= $182

4= $232

binder with 40 pages including s&h to Australia

1= $100

2= $155

3= $205

4= $260

let us know what you decide

Yep. Thanks for the reply guys. One more and we will go through with it. So it would be:

30 page binder - $58 ea

40 page binder - $65 ea

graham does a small group buy like this need approval?

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