My Biggest Mailday Ever!!!!!

Fantastic work Dom!! I remember looking around the forums everywhere for you when I first saw you needed that last card but then gave up lol
Nice work!
So is the set FT? LOL ;)

Never its a fleer set lol. Now i just need to put all 800 or so cards into order lol.

well done mate u should post a pic all together
I wish I could, but 99.99% of the set is at my old house interstate lol.

Congrats DOm!

what next????

Funny you should post this image, I thought about trying to catch nessy in my retirement haha.

Fantastic work Dom!! I remember looking around the forums everywhere for you when I first saw you needed that last card but then gave up lol

Yer half the forum was searching for that card at one stage haha. It is great to see people being helpful, makes you appreciate your fellow collectors that little bit more (minus a few bad apples)

Awesome mate so glad you finally got it, I was watching it on ebay hoping you would get it.

Lots of people reminded me it was ending too haha. was funny cause I was watching it like a hawk to bid manually.
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