As a point of Interest people... And from the other side of the coin,
A while back I sent an Item registered post, To a good mate who is also a member here...
After a bit he called me chasing the Item, I gave him the Tracking info, It said it was still at his local Aus Post Depot.
He went down and fired a rocket into them.
After a bit of running around etc... More heated conversations with Aus Post, Ole mate resigned to the fact he wasn't getting his Item.
Even though I had the Info and It said it was at his local mail facility.
Anyhow we were talking again, And I explained the package I sent it in.. (An old stapled up bubble mailer, Wrapped in a yellow envelope)
This triggered his memory and he remembered getting it. After a few days he rang and said that HE FOUND THEM!!
What had happened was, Aus post delivered more than one Registered parcel on the same day... But only got the ONE SIGNATURE!!
-As is common place with a Postie Delivered Reg Package!!
My point is, Just because it says it's at the sort facilty... Doesn't mean it is.
Just because it says it hasn't been recieved doesn't mean it hasn't.
This very instance happend to me and old mate just recently.... Didn't it old mate
I don't know anyone in this deal, And I don't have a vested interest...
But going on a witch hunt, naming and shaming a guy under the "Buyer beware excuse" Is a bit harsh when he has:
- Provided Tracking Info
- Provided a reciept for the postage of the Item
- And Aus post says its at a local mail centre.
From my point of view, The seller has done all he could.... (Bar going the extra insurance etc, Which possibly wasn't requested or paid for originally)
Now Dan says he didn't get the item, And he has been around long enough to assume innocence...
But if it were me, And I KNOW and I HAD PROOF I had sent the item... and paypal wanted to take the money off me because the guy hasn't recieved it.
I'd be as PEEVED OFF as Dan originally was for not getting the item he had paid for.
-As for the slanderthon... Well that's always gonna happen in a case like this!!
For mine, You have got 2 guys who have done the right thing with no result who both want thier money, And are quite entitled to it!!