St George Want List


Kogarah to Kiama
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G'day All,

Thanks for viewing my WANT list. I will also consider all, non trading card St George memorabilia as well, badges, photos, posters, caps etc etc

Also always interested in any signed St George cards.

Plenty for sale or trade, to view lists just click the link in my signature at the bottom of page.

Things in
Yellow are In Progress

Cards Wanted:
Leagues Club Badges:1963
Leagues Club Associate Badges: 73-74 / 82-83 / 85-86 / 86-87
1948 Stamina: 12 Holland
1963 Scanlens: 7 Raper / 8 Walsh / 15 Rasmussen / 17 Gasnier
1964 Scanlens: 18 Raper / 21 Gasnier / 32 Langlands
1968 Daily Mirror:11 Crest / 11 Team photo
1968 Admiral Transfers: 11 St George Crest
1969 Scanlens pop ups: 10 Norm Henderson
1970 Scanlens: 35 King / 57 Branson / 61 Beath (upgrade)
1970 Daily Mirror Milk Heroes Sportsmen: 4 Langlands / 41 Raper
1971 Mobil: Smith (upgrade)
1974 Scanlens Club Stickers: STG
1975 Dominelli Ford:1-18
1976 Tip Top: 4 Barry Beath
1980 Scanlens: Uncut sheet 169 Joe Squadrito / 170 John Muggleton / 173 Lance Thompson
1985 Scanlens: 54 Wynn / 58 O'Connor / 59 O'Grady / 62 Beattie / 64 Johnson/ 66 Chris Johns / 67 Johnston
1985 Daily Mirror / Channel 10 Footy Plays: Team Photo
1990 Fielders: J Raper
1994 S1: Legend Signature Dynamic Club Redemption J Raper
2000 Select: LS1 Reg Gasnier
2001 Impact:LSC1 Langlands
2001 St George Hot Hot Hot: 1-25
2002 Challenge: LSC1 Johnny Raper
2002 St George Illawarra Bring It On: 9 / 19 / 20
2003 XL: LSC1 Provan / Summons
2004 Authentic: CSR11 / CS11 Barrett
2005 Tradition: SR3 Justin Poore
2008 Centenary:IMSS1 Raper / IMSS5 Langlands / IMSS6 Gasnier
2011 Strike: MSR2 Boyd / MSR2 Boyd
2012 Dynasty: Unpeeled parallel with the protective coating upside down 140 Hunt / 141 Merrin / 142 Morris
2014 ESP Traders: Legend Signature: Provan
2014 Legend at your local: Matt Cooper
2015 Legend at your local Matt Cooper
2017 Traders: STG Predictor unredeemed
2018 Power Play: Gold Parallels de Belin

McInnes limited Signature #10
2018 Glory: Chrome King / Smith
Future Famer: Creagh

Immortals Sketch: IMSK10 Burge
2019 Traders: Startoon: Black Frizell
Authentic Signature: AS13 Lafai
2019 Elite: Young Guns Silver: YGS13 Pereira
Young Guns Black: YGB13 Pereira
League Sensation Black: LSB13 Vaughan
2020 Traders: Startoon: Black McInnes
Club Heroes Parallels (Priority #15): CH25 McInnes / CH 26 Lawrie
Authentic Signature: AS13 McInnes
League Leader Gold: LLG 13 McInnes
Street Art BRONZE (Priority #30) : Norman
4&2 Dufty and Lomax
2020 Elite: Young Guns Black: YGB13 Lomax
League Sensation: LS13 Graham
League Sensation Black: LSB13 Graham
Priority Young Gun: Lomax
Priority Dally M: J Sergis
Head 2 Head: Brown and Norman
Head 2 Head: Parallel Brown and Norman
2021 Traders: Startoon: Yellow / Blue / Red / Black - McInnes
Club Heroes Priority #15: Ch 25 Lawrie / CH 26 Frizell
Retirements: R11
Retirements Parallel Case Card #37: RP11
Authentic Signature Black: ASB13 Kerr
League Leader Gold: LLG 13 McInnes / LLG Lomax
Top Tries: TT13
Rnd 4 Tariq Sims
2021 Elite: League Sensation White: LSW13 Dufty
League Sensation Black: LSB13 Dufty
League Sensation Team: LST13 Dufty
Signed Cards Wanted:
1970-1988: Most cards
1989: Bailey / Osborne / Johnston / Clark
1990: Johnson / Kelly / Noke
1992: Tierney / Peter Coyne
1993: Hardy / Tierney / Gourley
1995 S2: Bell / Orford
1996 Gold: Mundine
2000 Select: Wayne Bartrim
2002 Challenge: Hooper
2003 Telegraph or Courier Mail: Gasnier / Simmonds / Tutt / Stapleton / Thompson / Timmins
2009 Daily Telegraph: Smith / Cooper
2010 Premiers set: Saffy Try Scorers: Young / Fien / Gasnier
2011 Strike: Header Bennett
2011 Daily Telegraph: Gasnier / Nightingale
2013 Elite: Cooper
2014 Power Play: Header - McGegor
2015 Traders: Face of the Game: Creagh / Merrin
2015 Power Play: Harrison / Marshall
2016 Elite Gold Parallel: Marshall
2017 Traders: Checklist McGregor Faces of the Game Joel Thompson
2018 Traders: Nightingale / Thompson
Parallels: de Belin / Widdop / Frizell / McDonald / Nightingale / Thompson?
2018 Xtreme: Checklist McGregor / Frizell / Mann / McInnes / Nightingale / Widdop
2018 Elite: Nightingale / Widdop box card
2019 Traders: de Belin
Parallels: de Belin / Widdop / McInnes
2019 Elite: Widdop / McInnes
Parallels: all except Norman
2020 Traders: Header McGregor / Frizell / Graham / Lafai / Leilua / McInnes
Parallels: Header McGregor / Frizell / Graham / Lafai / Leilua / McInnes

Thanks for your assistance.
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good luck with it ross , that going to be a tough list to fill mate... it will be some set if you do it mate...
i have almost all of those from 68 on .... if i come across any more i will let you know...
how much are you chasing for your 2000 , 2001 sets mate...
I have most of the '68 - '70 cards you're after + '70 mini poster, 68 crest all in very good condition. Also have pop up in very poor condition. .................. Noel
I have the 2003 Dragons set 161-176 + 251 (mascot). I'll look at your MASSIVE list

Sorry Mischa that one was a cut and paste error.

good luck with it ross , that going to be a tough list to fill mate... it will be some set if you do it mate...
i have almost all of those from 68 on .... if i come across any more i will let you know...
how much are you chasing for your 2000 , 2001 sets mate...

Hey Dave send me a PM if your keen.

I have most of the '68 - '70 cards you're after + '70 mini poster, 68 crest all in very good condition. Also have pop up in very poor condition. .................. Noel

Hey Noel welcome to the site I have sent you a message, hopefully we can work something out.

G'day All,

Thanks for viewing my WANT list. I will also consider all non trading card St George memorabillia as well, also always interested in signed St George cards.

I have decided to soley concentrate on my St George PC so plenty For Sale coming up shortly. I have most things from 2000 to 2012, would prefer to trade where possible.

1948 Stamina: 12 Holland / 21 McRitchie

1963 Scanlens: 7 Raper / 8 Walsh / 10 Riley / 15 Rasmussen / 17 Gasnier

1964 Scanlens: 18 Raper / 19 Walsh / 20 Rasmussen / 21 Gasnier / 32 Langlands

1966 Daily Mirror-b/white: 11 Team photo

1967 The Sun: 11 Team photo / 38 Brian Clay / 46 Johnny Raper

1967 Daily Mirror-colour: 11 Team photo

1968 Scanlens Series 1: 12 Billy Smith / 14 Reg Gasnier

1968 Scanlens Series 2: 11 Johnny Raper / 20 Barry Beath / 28 Graeme Langlands

1968 Daily Mirror:11 Crest / 11 Team photo

1968 Admiral Transfers: 11 St George Crest

1969 Scanlens: 41 Dennis Preston / 43 Graeme Langlands

1969 Scanlens pop ups:9 Phil Hawthorne / 10 Norm Henderson

1970 Scanlens: 35 King / 37 Toga / 38 Langlands / 57 Branson / 59 Smith

1970 Daily Mirror Milk Heroes Sportsmen: 4 Langlands / 16 Gasnier / 41 Raper

1971 Mobil: 28 Roy Ferguson / 34 Phil Hawthorne / 38 Graeme Langlands

1974 Scanlens: 16 / 27 / 30 / 47 / 61 / 67 / 70 / 85 / 94 + checklist

1974 Scanlens Club Stickers: 1

1975 Dominelli Ford:1-18

1976 Scanlens: Checklist 10

1976 Coles / Daily Mirror / 2SM Top Try:1 Ted Goodwin

1976 Tip Top: 4 Barry Beath

1977 Scanlens:44 Shulman / 51 Jansen / 77 Goodwin / 115 Smith / Checklist 11

1979 Scanlens:14 Steve Edge

1980 Scanlens: Checklist 10 marked

1985 Scanlens – stickers: 54 / 56 / 58 / 59 / 62 / 64 / 66 / 67

1985 Daily Mirror / Channel 10 Footy Plays: Team Photo

1990 Fielders: All

1993 Fielders: 17-32 there are 16 cards in total. Cards not numbered ??

1994 Dynamic S1 Gold Cards Signed: G3 / G4

1998 Daily Telegraph: 10

2000 Select: S5 Ainscough / LS1 Reg Gasnier

2000 Daily Telegraph: 12 Team / 75 Langlands / 110-116

2001 Impact: FF8 Gasnier / LC1 Langlands /LSC1 Langlands

2001 St George Hot Hot Hot: 1-25

2002 Challenge: LSC1 Johnny Raper

2002 St George Illawarra Bring It On: 1-21

2002 ARL Foundation: 9-10

2003 RL Cardz UK St George Heroes Limited #/50: 1- 35

2003 XL:LSC1 Provan / Summons

2004 Authentic: Mistake / Re-print: #128 Head and Firman / CSR11 /CS11 Barrett

2005 Maggi Noodles (PNG): 5 card set

2005 Tradition: SR3 Justin Poore

2005 Power: I7 Brad McKay

2006 Hot Shot Tazo: Upside-down Holograph 9 / 10

2006 Hot Shot Tazo: Signature Series 9 / 10

2007 Footy Tazo: Authentic Signature Edition 9 / 10

2008 Figurine cards: Gold: Gasnier

2008 Centenary: IMSS1 Raper / IMSS5 Langlands / IMSS6 Gasnier

2008 Centenary Masters: Everything apart from commons

2008 Reflections: 1- 21 1965 Grand Final St George v South Sydney

2011 Champions: SP137-148 / R46 Trent Merrin

2011 Strike: MSR2 Boyd / MSR2 Boyd

2012 Dynasty: LLB 12

2012 ESP Limited:Parallels: 14 / 69

2013 ESP Traders:Parallels: 145-146/ YG13

If you made it this far thanks again, please note some of these WANTs (not all) are upgrades and would need to be Near Mint.

Sorry Mischa that one was a cut and paste error.

Hey Dave send me a PM if your keen.

Hey Noel welcome to the site I have sent you a message, hopefully we can work something out.

ross would be able to fill every position on that list and a lot more thats not there.
How much do you want to spend, I have done a below market price up until 3 years ago on my collection, and there is over 370,000 dollars worth.
thats not including uncut sheets, unopened boxes or jerseys, or any other memorabilila.
ross would be able to fill every position on that list and a lot more thats not there.
How much do you want to spend, I have done a below market price up until 3 years ago on my collection, and there is over 370,000 dollars worth.
thats not including uncut sheets, unopened boxes or jerseys, or any other memorabilila.

Hey Dave,

That is obviously some amazing collection you have, unfortunatley unless I sell the house, car, wife and kids ( sorry, keeping the dog) I can't spend that kind of money in one hit, however willing to pay good $$$s for those cards listed above. I am selling the rest of my collection to help fund my St George PC

I have most things not listed but would love to see your documented list to see what I might be missing. If you do actually have some items you wish to sell please send a PM and we can try to work through a deal.

Hey Dave,

That is obviously some amazing collection you have, unfortunatley unless I sell the house, car, wife and kids ( sorry, keeping the dog) I can't spend that kind of money in one hit, however willing to pay good $$$s for those cards listed above. I am selling the rest of my collection to help fund my St George PC

I have most things not listed but would love to see your documented list to see what I might be missing. If you do actually have some items you wish to sell please send a PM and we can try to work through a deal.


Love it, everything can go but the dog stays.
Ross, here are some pics, as you will see there's a numbered card 43/50.
the other pics are of the 2003 cardz.
there were normal sets made, then there were 2 folder sets limited to 10. these 2 being numbered 6/10.
they have 2 uncut sheets of each teams cards in them, very professionally put together I must say.
If you need more info on saints stuff let me know.
chasing a couple of jerseys.

1 04  13 003.JPG

1 04  13 004.JPG

1 04  13 005.JPG

1 04  13 006.JPG

1 04  13 007.JPG

1 04  13 008.JPG
Thanks Dave for the info and the time to post these for me...... greatly appreciated. =D>

I never knew they did folders and a limited release for the 2003 set, very cool.

What jerseys are you after, signed , game worn? I like the look of the new 2013 Heritage jerseys.

2013 Heritage.jpg

Ross, mainly after signed or game worn, I like the jersey with the logo in the middle.
Mainly like old school ones.
What do you have for sale.
Ross, mainly after signed or game worn, I like the jersey with the logo in the middle.
Mainly like pld school ones.
What do you have for sale.

I'm actually always on the look out to add more to my collection, nothing really to move on.

I gave a few "spares" to charity auction nights and now looking to replace them.

Been a while since this has been to the top.

Plenty to trade.

Has anyone ever seen the 1975 Dominelli Ford release? Pics would be cool.

Here's hoping someone can the top.

Has anyone ever seen a full set of the 2001 Hot Hot Hot set Ive seen a few individual cards but never the full set?

Thanks Michael :thumbsup:

Not sure what happened but I didn't get an alert that someone had replied to the thread and just came across it now.........

How damn good are those Dominelli cards...........holy sh^t there's a new holy grail for me. Is it an 18 card set? Lord + Saint#7 + Fergo? Are they an oversize card; more like a postcard? Any idea how many produced? Too many questions anyway thanks for posting those pics :thumbsup:

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