Wat should I pc?


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Don't have much pal as a kid and not sure and at crossroads!!! I will continue to of lbj but who should I keep and take away? Was thinking bout pacing either holiday or Kemba and of course Hayward and getting rid of rest! After all no point wanting to do so much and only doing a bit right!
Maybe a bit too late for Drummond, prices are already high imho

You should focus on 1 or max 2 players, and collect the player(s) you like the most

In short, watching entire basketball games is the first step to determine which PC player(s) you want to invest in


Holiday is under rated and is a fantastic player! Not to expensive and has some nice cards out there. His NT RPA is his real only pricey card. What about other players like Iggy, Josh Smith, OJ Mayo, John Wall....?
I recommend having only have 1 main guy and 1 side PC guy.

Just speaking from experience, my Josh Smith PC turned out great and I had a nice little Jordan Crawford collection going aswell.

Also, maybe only collect one thing of one of your players. (e.g. only collecting autos of your side PC guy)


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