Diet Coke : My Poison - A search for truth and a healthier life

I must say i enjoy my coke and drink 1-2 cans per day. I should cut down more and i probably will soon but i'm not addicted to it at all because i can easily go weeks or however long without it if i choose and have done so before. I just love the taste of it.
I haven't read this before but it is very interesting.. I drink about 10+ cans of Coke Zero a day and if I don't have any for a day my body goes all types of crazy.. I have tried to stop drinking it but never had any luck mainly because everything else I drink tastes like complete crap.

Should I seek help? lol

That made me LOL...... mainly because IMO Coke Zero tastes like tar hahaha

But anyway......... like anything, if you want to cut back, best to do it gradually. 10+ cans is a bloody lot!!
Wow just stumpled upon this thread. Very interesting stuff! Thankfully I have always been a big water drinker (normally around 3-4 litres a day) with the odd coke now and then at dinner or a cherry coke for lunch. Think I will just forgo the coke altogether now!

Maybe I missed it, but does anyone know if Lemonade is just as bad?
Wow just stumpled upon this thread. Very interesting stuff! Thankfully I have always been a big water drinker (normally around 3-4 litres a day) with the odd coke now and then at dinner or a cherry coke for lunch. Think I will just forgo the coke altogether now!

Maybe I missed it, but does anyone know if Lemonade is just as bad?

The thing you want to avoid in lemonade is preservative 211, usually in diet lemonade. I've been giving my kids schweppes lemonade, looks to be the best one I've found.
Mmm!, what a decision, water and die healthy or Coke (insert Coke Zero or even Pepsi Max) and die happy.

Since I am already overweight and over 50 (or as I like to annoy the wife by saying "closer to death than I am to birth") i will stick with the die happy option.

Oh and I gave up Coke last week, am now onto the Rum & Coke.

Now excuse me whilst i finish working on tomorrows hangover..."burp":sick:
They key is moderation, having a drink every now and then or even more is not gonna cause you any problems if you have a pretty healthy lifestyle. If you are drinking something like 10 cans a day then you obviously need to stop...yes it is addictive but it's really not that difficult to stop if you are serious about it.
stick to water matt as much as you hate it, your cravings of diet coke (articial sweetener) or coke (Glucose/ Fructose sugars) is due to the liver being saturated in a sugar substance which is where the "Cravings" come from. ill shoot you up a video on you tube, VERY interesting. Sugar in any form is what kills people, is the reason for weight problems, is the reason for desease weather its coke or even flavoured water. just stick to water buddy, if you cant, make your own flavoured water and squeeze a lime or something.

the video is long but very interesting.
also got a few books if ya interested to read up on, inspired me and alot of my family and freinds.

I must admit I went from a being a coke (cola, not the booger sugar) through my highschool years and giving it up a couple years ago. I was horrified at the time with the massive headaches I was having for the first 3-4 days after quitting (obviously the caffiene). I have recently gotten back on the coke bandwagon and do enjoy it but in moderation. I definitely notice a health benefit from being off it entirely, but at this point in life I'm happy as I am and enjoy a cold drink with ice like you described :)
Interesting reading! I never drank any of this stuff until 1 year ago when I turned 30, I thought I'd save the caffeine until I was older and needed the extra kick. I have a pepsi max obsession, every day 11am 1 can and I'm flying for the day. It's the difference between being asleep at 9pm or midnight. I just discovered that some medication I use says avoid caffeine which may explain a few things. I can't help it though... I'm tipping max is the same as the rest of the other junk??
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