Hey Dave, I like it. Once again, the work you (and Warren) are putting into this case share is phenomenal.For all members participating in the share
I spoke to Warren today about how we can service everyones needs even if the second case does not fill and what I have suggested is this.
If, for example only 8 boxes sell in the second case what I will do is take the boxes out that have been asked for and the remaining boxes I will number with their case position. Those boxes will be set aside so if the POTA cards is not pulled by those members purchasing boxes from that case all will have an opportunity to buy further boxes knowing that their case placement number has been recorded on the box.
That means those additional boxes will be available at the case share price and all members can remain confident if buying those boxes the POTA card is still in one of them.
How I interpret the box numbers in the case will be with case right side up and facing me. Case will be opened and top left box will be #1, next box on its right will be #2 and so on. That way you know which position in the case your box came from.
Going to take a 2nd box....box 11 from Case two thanks
Need to fill the 2nd case.......these are being released soon.
Very limited release so who's up fo one?
Great to see you back Craig !! Definately can vouch for you champ and Dave you will have no issues here at all !!Hi Dave,
Is it still possible to get in on case two's share?? What is the deadline for this case share, I am trying to scrounge up some money as possible. I know that my OZCT states that I am new but I have had dealings with many people in OZCT. I am sure people like Russell, Brad, Damian would all vouch for me. my ebay username is chodges75, I have been away for sometime completing Uni. I have had to create a new account as my old email address was hacked.
here hereI'll vouch for Hodgie, he is a very reliable and genuine member here.....highly regarded as anyone Ive dealt with on OCT.
Hi Dave,
Is it still possible to get in on case two's share?? What is the deadline for this case share, I am trying to scrounge up some money as possible. I know that my OZCT states that I am new but I have had dealings with many people in OZCT. I am sure people like Russell, Brad, Damian would all vouch for me. my ebay username is chodges75, I have been away for sometime completing Uni. I have had to create a new account as my old email address was hacked.