
i have his name ready to go if anyone wants it! I will be check facebook now!
Hi There,I would love his address if you could give it to me Pm it if you want, I paid $80.00 for a no 6 Brett Hodgson
2001 Future Force,about 4 weks ago,looks like ive been had as well,one more rippoff to add too his list,Cheers,Greg Pm'd him 4 times and no reply,Mods kick the mongrel off the site, do something???
Hi Mate, :( Its a shame we all dont have the resources to poolup and pay Mick Gatto to go and visit him and ask,lol for our money back,lol again:goat:
Hey Dave,remember your paypal didnt do a gift payment,maybe you can start some action to get paypal to return our money,i dont know about the other guys but it might work,paypal must have his address,Cheers,Greg
Ha! What a coincidence! Rhys was just saying that sometime people MIGHT post their email addresses, and then it turns out this guy did! :woot:
Hi There,Can you send me his Email address Mate,ive been ripped off $80.00 as well and would love his email and address if possible,Cheers,Greg
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