OCT Members Tattoos

the shading has been done, just needs some colour next!

Heres my first tattoo I got after my eagles lost the NFC Championship to Arizona just a Kings Cross tattoo but still like it has a bit of character it was done over a few sessions the colour on the nature background was done on the same day dawkins signed with denver it didn't know while I was getting it done but reminds me of the old Denver Nuggets logo


Heres my Half Sleeve done by a big name artist called Marco Serio while he was visiting sydney that pic does not do any justice as you need to see the whole work front side and back plus it was a coverup too.

Got my final coverup on a oversized Kanji Tattoo I had done years ago when I was on the piss.
I had one symbol partially lasered years ago and finally got the courage to get a background/coverup job over the weekend.
Its weired how my two coverups were my most hated tattoos and are now my favourites.
Now its all clean skin for a pinup girl and a Japanese style Ninja Chestplate in the future.

Heres a Before pic


Heres a After Pic


Oooohweeeee!!! I'm not sure if I've added my sleeve in here... but thought I would anyways!!!

these are from the day I got it finished last year!!





and how it looked after it healed...

Now I'm slowly saving up to finish off my chest and then right arm!! Then the rest I can do before my times up! haha
Not really into tattoos myself but each to their own...while i see many bad tattoos i have seen some awesome ones too. Just don't think it is something i would get done, i wouldn't see any meaning in having a word, saying or picture on my body...i guess if i ever got one it would have to have special meaning or just be an awesome picture i like.

One thing i have to lol at though is when i see people with Kanji tattoos and it doesn't really mean what they think it means...people might not realise that the same Chinese character can mean different things in Japanese or Chinese and particularly if you have 2 or 3 together they can mean something entirely different.
Did my chest a old sailor tattoo to represent my new journey this year. $150 well spent good clean honest work and blends in with all my other ink

I was going to put this in the other sale area, but thought it might fit here better.


I picked some stickers up from Eric at Crush City and one of them is just too huge it's about a metre or more in length and height is big

See the photo of the wagon it gives you better scale. Just send me $10 paypal gift to cover postage tube & price and it's yours.

Once you have it on your car can you put the pic up on instagram and tag @crushcitytattoo if anyone wants it.


And those tatt's look awesome Rhys!!!
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What do we get for advertising his shop?

In Brisbane... cred! Why do people put stickers on cars? To express themselves and it's usually promoting a brand or a band anyway so your question seems irrelevant! Crush City does work on some of Australia's biggest rappers like Briggs for instance (no pun intended), and they have some of the best tattoo artists from around the world stop in and do week stints there as they move around Australia. They also have international rapper's get work done while they are over here at Crush Sunnybank or Annerley.

They occasionally run comps where they put specials on half days. Just throwing it out there.
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