3 boxes of future force (LUCKY)

Not sure she just sent em from perth the day she got em

The reason I asked about whether they were from newsagents is that I bought 6 sealed boxes from newsagents a few weeks ago. I bought 4 of them for someone else and kept 2 for me. I got a gold Daniher from my two boxes and I heard that 2 of the other boxes also had gold sigs so 3 golds from 6 boxes. Not as good as 2 from 3 boxes=D> but still ahead of the 1 in 6.
The reason I asked about whether they were from newsagents is that I bought 6 sealed boxes from newsagents a few weeks ago. I bought 4 of them for someone else and kept 2 for me. I got a gold Daniher from my two boxes and I heard that 2 of the other boxes also had gold sigs so 3 golds from 6 boxes. Not as good as 2 from 3 boxes=D> but still ahead of the 1 in 6.

I think they were from a newsagent i asked her to keep an eye out and she went round the whole of my local area back in perth which is about 8 newsagents and thats all she got but i wouldve been more happy to pull a daniher for sure but 2/3 with golds aint bad i was stoked and the numbering just made it that much better ur boxes sounded much better though
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