Which case to buy to assure a MJ auto?

exquisites would def be the way to go and i understand but thats huge coin for myself and bro inlaw right now, we may head towards the SP range and try our best. if we get lebron we will be upset coz we both are not fond of him lol
well if i bought a case of SP, they r 1500 ish, that leaves 1500 left if i bought the exquisite for a MJ card on ebay, so worse case scenario if the case gives me a lebron ill have to bid lol
I wouldnt buy an exquiste auto, id go for something older that has a better /#'ing and will be in a bulls uniform and even if ur looking at spenidng 1k you will get a very nice auto for that price leaving u sp to bust n have fun.. U might get a lebron, I havent seen one or a jordan busted from a case personally.. but u never know
yup. id go the SP. 3x12 autos or mem., lots and lots of packs to bust (instead of just 3 in the exquisite) plus you could probly off load alot of the SP afterwards and they would pay for most of a jordan auto off ebay anyways if you dont hit one.
and id probably be after most the hits anyway for my master set so works well

sounds good elek! yep well myself and bro inlaw gonna buy 1 case each within the next couple of weeks.. im happy i posted the question on here, thanks for everyones help. SP it is! :D
Spend 2.5k and buy a Jordan Auto. Only product guaranteeing it is the new Exquisite. He's not in his Bulls uniform so personally I'll give that kind of high end a miss. No other case is guaranteeing it. With all your math and stuff you may be able to take your chances with SP but I think you are under quoting the price on it a little.
Wouldn't say it's going down the toilet, it is changing. Easy fix. UD buys back the license.

LOL Easy fix...? Hardly. I can except change, been around for to long to not expect it, but when UD floods the CRAP out of the market, for, wait what reason really? Cos they are almost bankrupt? Because they have some big ass law suites against them? Because they are trying to cash in quickly on a SUPPOSED high end product while Panini really aren't putting out anything to match it?!? It's just BS really on both companies part. You have one flooding the market with crap players auto's and insanely stupid amount of GU's that could very well mean nothing! But at least this company is trying to develop it's brand/s and move forward! Then you have UD just trying to cash in as quick as they can on designs THAT HAVE BEEN DONE BEFORE multiple times... It just bewilders me really, why so much coin gets thrown at this utter crap!

Sorry, went on a bit of a rant then! Wasn't aimed at you mate, but I really, really fail to see how UD would fix anything let alone easily!! Every time I start to wonder why I've backed away from the hobby, I get like this and it reminds me exactly why I have!
Just a waiting game IMO. UD will come through their troubles, or will get bought out by someone else. I'd love to see a product like tops 5 star transfer over to NBA. Would look pretty nice.
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