If the JR dual auto/gu sp gu becomes avail, lmk, also interested in the kwame auto/jsy, and marvin ultimate sigs.
how much for ch ch ch chauncey exquisite?
Damn man .... I just gave away a couple of my PP jsy cards which I had to hunt down .... would have much preferred some of urs instead ... doh!!!!
Is that VCarter RARE Auto worth heaps?? I'm guessing it might be outta my price range ....
anything here u like?
Interested in the marvin and dwight auto's. Please check my site.
I like the Worm Auto, Dr J Patch, Amare/Matrix Dual Auto.
Don't spose I got anything of interest....?
interested in the walton auto, check out me bucket and let me know if there is anything there of interest
have for Trade
98/99 SP Top Prospects#Pierce RC AU
04/05 Pristine#Jermaine O'Neal AU Gold ed/25
interested from your list by
Howard AU
Billups Patch AU
Dr.J Patch