Brand new Ultra Pro Supplies For Sale

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letme know when you have more 55pt toploaders in :)
Sorry mate, i think im just gonna sell of this lot and probably wont reorder.

hey mate how much is postage
let me know what your after and where your located and we can worksomething out.

i'll grab some penny sleeves, 25 & 55pt top loaders if you get some in
hey mate, ive got heaps of penny sleeves, both in standard size and thicker size available, unfortunately out of the toploaders i ony have 1X100pt, 1X120pt and 2X130pt left.
35pt one touches now sold out. i still have TONNES of penny sleeves in both sizes and team backs, and a fair few one touches available. plus 1 pack of 100pt top loaders.
are the penny sleeves good for sliding cards ino 9 pages without scrunching up? or more for toploaders? and the 100pt thickness toploaders - what sort of card we talking the the thin gu or slightly thicker ones?
are the penny sleeves good for sliding cards ino 9 pages without scrunching up? or more for toploaders? and the 100pt thickness toploaders - what sort of card we talking the the thin gu or slightly thicker ones?

yes mate the sleeves work ok with the 9 card pages, and 100pt will suit the thicker GUs
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