Pics are up!!! not too bad...some nice rookie autos!

Goooooooooood luck Aram!! Although, knowing you, it has already been busted and you are just uploading now! haha

hey mate i may have a few player's for your sig....are you only looking for AUTO'S???
or everything from them??
use pm mate! This is a break thread! ;)
ARAM!!! Did you fall asleep while case breaking again???

Lol...all good, getting close! im busting while at work and have cards everywhere!!!!...trying to bust in between customers isnt easy...getting some funny looks from customers too...will say this though, limited was disappointing, past and present ok and half way through the prestige, i have defied the odds and pulled TWO PLAYMAKERS!!!...rookie autos so far arent too bad, with some top pick autos surfacing...standby!!!!
...trying to bust in between customers isnt easy...getting some funny looks from customers too...

Customers giving your funny looks..don't you work in a Club X store or has that changed

Brandon Jennings is the second coming of John Stockton!
They have the exact same game, in fact it's quite hard to tell them apart sometimes.

It's a good thing then that one is white and the other not white
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