Coz its BGS and they are dirty theiving, lying, crooked bastards????
AJ IS SNORING said:It looks like the cards top left hand side is curved or twisted, and makes it look like it is not centered. One of those things where you eyes play tricks on you. But just my opinion.
The image must be centered on the card within a tolerance not to exceed approximately 55/45 to 60/40 percent on the front, and 75/25 percent on the reverse.
But that's PSA's standards, not BGS.
That's kinda my point. You get some cards with BGS which are far better centering, but only get a 9. The problem is, BGS don't have a published standard, so it's really really (how about impossible?) to tell what should be 9.5 and what shouldn't.
Dirty rotten cheating scumbags!
Ok - you guys are now worthy of jobs at BGS!
Just pick up your seeing eye dogs and canes at the door. Congratulations!