Very Cute Mailday!!!!

I'm from the Bush and all I know is that you have bought yourself a working dog, it will soon cease to be a cute puppy but a dog who will need lot's and lot's of room to run around and lot's of attention to save it from being bored, when being bored this once cute puppy will destroy everything around, it won't be the dog's fault but your's because unless your ready to give the doggie a lot of your time it's going to be very mischievious.

Yeah....Dont you worry about that she has lots and lots of toys and get attention lots too. Backyard is pretty big and gets walked for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour at night.
Good luck and don't forget to give her lots of bones to chew on, that will to some extent keep her occupied, design a backyard where she can use her natural instincts, obstacles and something to climb etc.
Very cute pup!! :D

One bit of advice mate, dont buy expensive toys they break them just as fast. 1.5lt empty coke bottle is the cheapest and best toy ever.

Just be careful with stuff like that...... you don't really want them chewing into the plastic and eating the plastic shards!

They probably won't like it as much as a fluffy toy, but if you want something they can't destroy then get her a "Kong" toy.
Lol Kongs, the biggest rip off! my dog destroyed them quicker than her $2 toys.
Hence why coke bottle are good.
Coke bottles and old towels cheapest fun a dog can have
Just a little up date :)

Roxy is now 9 and a 1/2 months, the picture below is her at 7 months.

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