nk you for that it's about having the chance to get them here first.I have already got ESP cards they are great so wait and see what he puts up all I know is he is only outing on ESP cards ATM no others
Let me know who hassles you, they obviously have issues reading simple sentences.Please take note I will try and put theses cards on here tonight.
So what this means is DO NOT Private Message me and ask me what I will be putting on you will see it here.
It is currently 1:54pm if I receive another 2 messages about theses cards I will just put them on EBay you are getting the chance to see and buy them here first so don't STUFF it up for others.
A couple weeks ago he is being called a Sig pig now people are falling over themselves to get sigs. Too funny.
1967sharks.I havent changed my views.....