Pump up the internationals mailday


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Had to do a search to find my last mailday thread- it was 2007!!:eek:

I have slowed down on collecting and am mainly trying to finish sets now but thought i should share this story as alot of bad stories go round.

I have been doing the 04/05 SP Authentic Signatures set for about 6-7 yrs now and have slowed down to 1 every 6 months or so. Having 4 to go for a while, i found 1 i needed on google search and it was on a japanese site- my japanese is poor to say the least and i had no idea when the pic was from or what website it was on so i didnt do anything about it.

A member on here- ej6shun (Shunsuke) asked about some cards and we were setting up a trade when i noticed he was in Japan so i linked him the page.

This card happened to be in a card shop in his town in Japan and he picked it up the next day and it arrived a week later!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was one of the most amazing things that has happened to me in this hobby, i had not seen another one of this card.

Again, Shunsuke- thankyou so much for your help, you fit in well in this great community.

Oh yeah, the card.......

04/05 SP Authentic Signatures Carlos Arroyo


Thanks guys.
I remember doing a deal with Shunsuke on here a long time ago, but I remember because it was my first international deal and it was as smooth as they come!! Good guy!

And well done on narrowing the hunt!
Nice card and an even better story! Good to see the maildays are still flowing! They are a quality looking product!
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