What, such a great white whale and still no auto 1/1 logoman... lol.
Love the pickup Skip, and it's a great grade too bro! I'd love to own one myself! I used to call them the Monopoly Cards, cos that's what they look like, ha ha.
What, such a great white whale and still no auto 1/1 logoman... lol.
Love the pickup Skip, and it's a great grade too bro! I'd love to own one myself! I used to call them the Monopoly Cards, cos that's what they look like, ha ha.
Monopoly cards - ah yes, I see where you're coming from now - Instead of Do not pass go, pay $200 it'll be - Do not pass the Big O - gonna cost you hundreds!
I have a 4/5 logotag of Q-Pon - but not quite the same thing is it!