
Benny thats a serious issue man, you should consult a doctor so something;)

Updated my day 17 at the start of this thread.I'm sporting my Burt loves me shirt, as he's never been shy of the mo
Geez whats your secret Dream?? Blood and bone or just horse manure??

I'm going to be honest I always go with pure gasoline, applied 3 times daily.
Just be sure not to spill some on your back or you'll have an afro in no time back there.Then you'll look like a hunch back

sometimes I uses horse steriods just like the china swim team also
Ah hahahaha Dream you kill me :lol: I want that shirt. This is one of the best threads ever!

DAY 17

Ok MO BRO'S lets see the final results. Post up your pics.
Don't be shy now(after all you are wearing a disguise);)
I think it'd be good to have a before & after pic, so we can see the difference!!!


But Dream, you look a little like Nashty with that hairdo!!!

Thats a tops effort Buzzy =D> :lol: It looks as though you no longer control the mo', the mo' controls you! I still wanna know where you got the Burt Reynolds t-shirt ;)
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