Reasons for select losing their license= To many complaints to the NRL and Consumer watchdog is on to them because of complaints to fair trading, printing COPY WRITE AFL on the back of every D.I.Y. laser card was the icing on the cake and is an insult to the NRL with the giant battle of the codes we have seen over the last few years.
See some people don't realise that some collectors spend a lot more $$$ on the product then the biggest sellers ever will, correction, ludicrous more $$$ the sellers ever will
This forum is just a drop in the ocean when it comes to feedback.
Any company that manufactures faulty products is going to end up on the wrong side of the stick one day and it will catch up with them, oh yes mark my words it will catch up with them
Bring on ESP! If ESP can mass manufacture hundreds of thousands, if not millions of fancy little Telegraph/Courier footy cards and get basicly all of it right with a good quality standard, imagine how good their premium products will be
Select were very good at times but they got greedy, evil greedy
any company that takes collectors for a ride and takes their customers for granted thinking that they are the only company in the business so they can do what they like, should think again