i don't want to appear as if i'm making excuses. but i've got plenty of toploaders and bubble mailers, however the card i was to send him was oversized and thus required cardboard of a high integrity to protect it properly, and finding something suitable of this nature around the house wasn't a quickly completed task. i'm sure if i'd had more time on my hands this all wouldve gone alot faster and smoother.
i'd also like to point out that i wasn't making this trade specifically to help my PC, i initiated the trade in order to help the member in question with what they were chasing. the fact that i received a card back for my PC was a nice bonus for helping him out, but it didn't really outweigh the nearly $4 i paid in postage for the oversized item.
i'm not saying that the delay in my posting is okay, but i know in my heart that i sent the cards promised to him as soon as I could, as I also did to a couple of other members waiting on cards. I just can't help but feel a little soured myself, as I enjoy helping other collectors with their player/set collections, often going to great lengths to search, sort and list extensively for the benefit of those not purely interested in "high-end".
personally i'm not too worried about when cards get to me, because i feel safe at Ozcards knowing that other members have integrity. one particular trade currently pending has seen me sent all the cards owed to me, bar one, which was accidentally replaced with another. i have not as yet sent out my end of the trade, instead communicating with the member a desire to complete another trade involving the 2 cards that have been switched around (ie. card A, which i traded for and haven't as yet received & card B, which i received and plan to trade for). i'm not worried that there was a genuine mistake in what the other member sent me, and he doesn't seem worried that he'll be waiting to receive the cards for both trade 1 & 2, until the terms of trade 2 are complete (which admittedly has been long delayed, due to personal circumstances on both our parts).
in all honesty i wanted to give oz-antoine some sort of bonus for having to wait but unfortunately i had no other antoine walker's he needed, and only other card of interest to him wouldve been my bobby hurley RC refractor which is apart of my very special 93/94 finest refractor collection. if there was something else i could think to offer i would have, and frankly i'm a little hurt it all came to this