Peeled one off for a test and was no problem at all. Cards look great peeled off but I would leave the protective layer on for value long term.
Check out the box breaks and product review on my youtube channel to see one peeled off.
Box breaks start tonight.
I don't even know how many of these I got from my case. Still all in with the commons because I haven't got a folder yet. Does anyone know how close to a complete set would come from a case, many doubles?? I think I'll peel off the protector so I can look at them properly in the folder. Once I complete the set I don't really care about retaining value, I'm not gonna sell 'em.
Im interested. can you please pm me numbers and total price.i have around 33 unpeeled of these i want to get rid off in one go any takers
Im interested. can you please pm me numbers and total price.
You were spot on Shane, I got 2 complete sets of parallels and 40 triples from the case. And by the way, after all the debate, I'm gonna peel!!! If my kids want to sell them when I'm gone, good luck with it. In the meantime, I'm gonna look at 'em without the peel and admire them the way they should look.432 parallels in a case... 196 in the set.... you may be lucky to put 2 sets together (or at least come close to a second set) with a heap of 'triples', ive divided mine into teams but havent sorted into individual sets yet so i cant tell you exactly what to expect.