why is 2010 sensation gem 32 Gareth Ellis so expensive?


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as the title says
Does anyone know whats the real story behind the short supply?
Sorry if this has been discussed before.Im just curious!!
I have no idea but have seen this gem go for over $30 on Ebay. I paid $25 as it was the last one I needed to complete that set and I was told by the supplier that he busted a complete case of 2010 Champions and only got 1 Ellis. I think from memory that these inserts were 1:9 so there would be 48 in a case so that is really quite rare
I have been told a rumor that there was an error when printing the sensation gems and that only a very limited amount of Gareth Ellis were printed. I know that Gareth Ellis is 1 of 2 sensation gems I am missing.

I have also heard that there were more Kieran Forans gems printed then all other sensations and I am not surprised by this rumor as I got nearly 10 of him compared to only 2 or 3 of others. Probably just a coincidence but it might be true.
There often seems to be printing anomalies, errors or production variances with Select. Probably won't be long before the Select bashers get hold of this thread, so I'm outta here. :woot:
Just one other thing, I got my Ellis gem from Cardzone for $25. ;)
it was the last one i got to complete my set and from memory the prices have been fairly high for that card from not too long after the series release, but not sure why
Noticed myself that it's very rare so 'If' anyone has a spare I need it to complete my set, can trade or buy, wow a post where Cardzone doesn't get a bashing, haven't seen that for a while.
Noticed myself that it's very rare so 'If' anyone has a spare I need it to complete my set, can trade or buy, wow a post where Cardzone doesn't get a bashing, haven't seen that for a while.
Hay, we will all use Cardzone at some point of time in our lives, one reason why people give him heaps is because he wants to make a million dollars over night.
I know Cardzone is widely disliked but when it comes to these hard to get cards that you need to complete an insert set, Cardzone is quite often the best or only option. I've said it before - I wish there was a Cardzone in Sydney.
As a Wests fan and a gem collector Moltzen and Ellis were the first Sensations Gems I ever bought, from someone on here in fact. I definitely didn't get Ellis for $25 though so that's quite odd...must be holding onto something special then...

Still need 13/32 if anyone has any spare to sell/trade.
I'm a patient collector as well, haven't got the dollars not to be, but sometimes you have to go with the last resort. Similar to the Ellis card, from the 2003 set the Skandalis CPTY card was super scarce and even Cardzone sold out. I fluked one at the Parra collectors fair one time otherwise I'd have missed out. Theres got to be others.
I had two of of these and traded one to a member on here - didn't realise it was supposedly harder to get. One per case sounds about average given there are 32 in the set and 3 per box.
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