Any1 else give blood


Old perth boy
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Sitting here in the waiting room ready for them to take more of the good stuff
I urge you all to do the same
You or your friends/family may need it 1 day
Nothing to worry about
I hate needles and found them really good
No discomfort
I wouldn't keep comming back if it was hell painfull
I use to, but the B!tch behind the counter kept asking me 20 questions, apparently taking it in in 2 litre bottles looks sus!?

hahah I haven't for ages.... Tattoo's and a couple of other issues! Got more ink to come to, but once all that is over and done with Ill get back into it!
I gotta get back into it. Been a while as I look after my kids a few days a week (when I'm not at work) and they don't want the kids around. I have done 25 donations though including 1 apheresis for a (I think) leukemia patient
No, never. I can't even watch fake injections on TV and in the movies let alone have a needle stuck in my own arm. Every time I've had to have a needle the doctor/nurse just laughs I'm that much of a wuss.
^^^^ lol you're not the only one, I actually passed out last time I had blood taken haha.
Woke up on the floor with the doc laughing at me :lol:
I used to and would like to again. Last time I went to the blood donor vans I still have to wait out the period after I had my last Malaria will be over hopefully one day and I can donate again.
Sitting here in the waiting room ready for them to take more of the good stuff
I urge you all to do the same
You or your friends/family may need it 1 day
Nothing to worry about
I hate needles and found them really good
No discomfort
I wouldn't keep comming back if it was hell painfull

Just got back from my 'back into it' donation!! First in nearly 5 years because of Tats.

But, they just tested me and found out that my Platelet count is super high and my veins are "like drainpipes" so they have me booked in 4 weeks for Plasma donation and then Platelet donations every 2-4 weeks from there.
Just got back from my 'back into it' donation!! First in nearly 5 years because of Tats.

But, they just tested me and found out that my Platelet count is super high and my veins are "like drainpipes" so they have me booked in 4 weeks for Plasma donation and then Platelet donations every 2-4 weeks from there.

So you're a fertile beast? =D>
Yeah look I've always wanted to and never done it, but not too long ago we did a "drive" with work, and I donated for the first time. Got my letter in the mail last week saying I can go again, so I'll be making another appointment soon!

I do like the fact that 1 donation can help save 3 lives... kinda makes me feel "special" lol. Definitely encourage others to do it when they can!
Got up to 75 donations but my lifestyle has taken it's toll, low iron levels and a few medications I'm on have put me out for a while, the wife got close to matching me but ended up having a heart attack so with all her medications she's out as well, blood thinners etc etc.
Still we did pretty good between us, in 25 years close to 150 donations, in this cold and flu season the Blood Bank is crying out for donations, so please give, the life you save may be your own!.
Did a lot during High School and Uni.

The bus would rock up so it right there were no excuses for me. I'm not really fazed by needles and blood.

Plus it'd get you out of a class or two during high school and make you a cheap drunk at Uni!

Nowadays I don't even know here the donor center is. Bit slack really.
Can't due to being on many medications, but i have blood tests every month or so as it is anyway so i would if i could.
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