Andrew Bogut 2003 True Rookie First Auto Card 6/7 in the world Graded GEM 10

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Cliff notes:

Posted a thread that appeared to be sale thread
Received advice
Turned out to be not selling just looking to show off said 'awesome' card
Received further advice
OP was smart arse replying to advice and info given
Reached point where I stopped reading cause it's Sunday and Gm7 is on
OP wants to know who Cliff is
I see it was a complete waste of time posting my extremely rare card which you wont find another of anywhere,due to your ignorance!

Your attitude is the issue, just because you don't like my opinion on what it's value is doesn't give you the right to be rude and act like an ass. Your time on this site won't last long, and trust me, there are many that won't want anything to do with you after reading this! Now go home, sit in your room and cuddle your bogut :)
its your opinion coz you dont have it and who are you? some idiot who doesnt realise how rare a card it is,when u find another one you can prove me wrong buddy,your the one that went out of your way to downgrade it,if it aint worth anything there must be plenty of them around FIND ONE! your pocket money doubled says you cant!
and oh its bogut,not jordan or kobe,way to be patriotic idiot,considering he is our only first ever 1st draft pick into the NBA,way to support Aussies!
I see it was a complete waste of time posting my extremely rare card which you wont find another of anywhere,due to your ignorance!

Honestly, most wont classify it as his "True" Rookie card, which is generally his first licensed rookie card.

While you certainly enjoy having the card, I agree that $35 is likley to be higher than what its worth. As long as you enjoy it thats all that matters.

For what its worth, you may want to have a look at the tone you are posting with. If you keep it up you wont be showing off any more "Rare" cards here.

Matt (MOD)
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