Can't make decisions for myself make it for me.


2nd place = forgotten in the blink of an eye.
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Ordering from DA soon help me with my options.

Option 1:2x Gold Standard or 1x 07/08 spx or 1x 06/07 Trlogy?


Option 2: 4x Court Kings (Nice Design, but Jumbo Box Toppers (does anyone buy those?) or 4x Limited (Love the Freshman Fabric Jumbo patches but anyone know how often they fall?) or 2x each?


Option 3: 06/07 spx, or 01/02 spx, or 00/01 spx or 99/00 spx? (Chasing base sets for each of these but only want to grab one, so seeing what people think is the prettiest looking base out of the three?)
I'm going after the Boxtoppers from Court Kings - 70% complete but let me know if you end up getting any. Nice looking product but can be very hit and miss - if you like patches none of those in there at all....
So it's a home run for options 1 and 3 just option 2 there seems to be some opinion about.

Anyone who had brought both Limited and Court Kings be able to say which they've had more success with?
i would stay away from the older ud products incase you get either an old redemption or a damaged card, as they wont facilitate you...
gold standard has some nice hits in them, and i know trilogy is old, but has some pretty awesome cards in it...i only ever bought one box and got a lebron glass auto, rondo auto and magic patch...
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