Single Card Boogie Cuz Mailday and another SWEEEEEET little thing


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I haven't been buying a ton of late. Here's a recent addition though


And now for the reason I haven't been buying!

My new car!!!!!!

2011 Volkswagen Polo TSi :D :D :D


Thanks Y'all!
My 2nd hand vx calais international. It was either a new gti or the calais with cash left over for mods and cards lol
Haha, I had a similar decision 2nd hand '03 318i with cash left over for mods and cards or the new Polo. I went with the Polo lol
Back onto the Demarcus Cousins bandwagon now? Congrats on the new wheels....the chicks will dig it!
Back onto the Demarcus Cousins bandwagon now? Congrats on the new wheels....the chicks will dig it!
I tried SOOOOO hard to stay off the DeMarcus band wagon but couldn't help myself haha

I hope the chicks dig it... I paid alot of money for it lol
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