check this out

Big T

Daequan Cook + Mike Bibby super collector
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check this crap out
brought the durant /5 auto from gold standard off a fella in the states for $420 del all good.
he then after 24 hrs of receiving payment replys with i can't get delivery confirmation on a po box address and wants to cancel the deal until i can get him a physical address to send to.
he then refunded my money still all good.
within a few hours i had spoke to my post office and we were just going to send the card there.

i then just got this

if you want to proceed with the buy it now option, then we will have to up the price. I'm not trying to nickel and dime ya, but if we do it for the 420. than im only clearing 320 by the time ebay takes their cut and shipping charges. i have more than that in the card and i would be losing money. i would have to do it for 520. so i clear around 400 to just get my money back. i understand if this is a dealbreaker. and i am sorry to waste your time.i hope you understand. but i can't lose money on this card. it is too rare to take a loss. 520 would cover it, but 420 unfortunately will not. sorry again
What a douche!

I am thinking the 'unable to get DC at the PO Box' was a load of crap too! As I said before, i have had DC to my PO Box before!
so have i and after talking to my mate at the po i have had heaps of dc to my po box. I recon this guy just thinks he can scam more coin. So i nicly replyed no thanks
That sucks, why put a BIN price on it if that wasnt what you wanted. Moron. Slap a big negative on him. :mad:

Because he refunded the money, you won't be able to neg will you?? Or eBay will just remove it?

But if you never got the refund, he would have had to send it!
he played his cards well, was stringing me along the whole time with the refund.

"please cancel the transaction until we figure out what were gonna do to make this happen. that way i dont owe ebay any money after i refunded you. thanks bro"
There is still another 4 out there mate, block his arse so you never have to deal with him again and start the search for the others.

Actually.... 3

I found a completed listing for one that had in the description...

"has bad damage to 2 corners and sides. It was pack pulled like that. I was going to send it back to Panini but they would only offer me a replacement of a different card. So I am just putting it out there to see what I can get for it"

At least he is honest!
I would pay for it and make a complaint. Also I would report him to Ebay as I wm sure this would contravene quite a few rules.

You have to report this guy. Its clearly breaking ebay rules by trying to bargain (thats a nice word more like extort) outside the system.
i shall what to see what he thinks of a straight up no thats for now, bit over it now, would rather the $420 to spend on something else
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