Upper Deck reveals plans for 11/12 Exquisite Basketball!!!!

Exquisite college basketball :confused: . I am not feeling any of upper decks non nba stuff, it really feels like the unlicensed "classic draft picks" from the 90's. I can understand rookies who havent played any nba games yet, but nba stars not so much.... not at all !
They'll be dead and buried before this goes to print!! If they do happen to make it...... It'll have it's merits but it won't be anywhere near the previous levels based purely on the collage factor!
I think people would still go nuts for it. Personally I would love to get an Aminu exquisite card but only because I will probably not get any other exquisite card.
If it happens, it will be their last struggle to survive. They'd be better off bankrupt than to futher soil the reputation built on classics sets, with the likes of Ultimate & SP Authentics already taking the hit face on.
What if they include some of there higher end stuff they keep for replacements etc, would be cool and could be any exquisite from 03-10 included, can't see why they can't do it if leaf can...
Are there non-NBA Patches in these products? There are not very many of those, especially when they played at most 4 years, some only 1-2 year in NCAA, and only 20-30 games, and they probably would not have changed Jerseys that often.

May be some HTF stuff because of that, but I would not be as interested in it.

Love Exquisite, not Love NCAA Exquisite as much.

Well I rated the All time greats stuff that UD put out. If Exquisite is anything like that than they'll be fine. They were smart in picking up guys like L.J, Penny and G.Hill. If they keep that up and grab some guys like Pippen and Ewing then they'll really kill it. The only thing I did'nt like was the parallels seemed quite similar.The D.Robs were nice too. Always meant to pick up 1 or 2.

I certainly won't be busting any but will be interested to see how it goes.
well if UD did what they were supposed to do correctly in the first place, instead of being smart-asses and cutting corners, they wouldn't be in this mess.
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